Monday 31 March 2008

Key Terms & Digital TV

Convergence: New ideas of interactive TV are repeated throughout the market for digital TV eg. TV on demand, the red button etc.

Personalisation: Different packages come with different providers, and automatically recording programs so the audience can pause, rewind, and watched at any time of the day.

Interactivity: New 'TV on demand' technology allows it to become a 'pull' media, where the audience is actively interacting with the technology. The viewer chooses what to watch, how they watch it (pausing etc.) and when they watch it.

Linear-Non Linear: Since pausing, and skipping parts of TV show is now possible with new utilities on digital TV, shows don't have to be in a set order.

Democratisation: polls on the TV, allow us to express our opinions, even if we don't have to. Everyone has the right to a vote, and democratises the whole interactivity of TV.

Digitalisation: All TVs changing digital in 2010. The set of 0's and 1's can make the broadcasting of the signal clearer, and easier to transmit.

Since there is more interactivity to Digital TV, there is more demand for choice and audiences mostly expect there to be a choice. But with these choices comes some moral panics; obesity from lack of exercise caused by the obsession of TV, and so many channels to choose from limiting boredom, creating a vicious cycle.

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