Monday 28 April 2008

Beware the Dark Side; the perils of NMT's

Why is consumerism a concept central to this unit?
Consumers keep buying into these products, motivating more advanced technology from the company. Because this technology becomes obsolete within 18 months, to the next best thing, consumers are constantly having to upgrade their electronic device because it cant keep up with the newest technology. Since the consumers are central to the revenue of the media institution, it has to keep the profits up so keep upgrading to help the revenue streams.

How do we often 'unwittingly give up our privacy?
Ever since Web 2.0 came in, the Internet spread, connecting billions of people into one gigantic network. However the time we spend on the Internet is monitored by the sites we use. Search engines like Google and shopping sites like Amazon see what you have searched and bought, and we can't buy anything now without having the 'recommendations' from Amazon, of similar items on sale.

How have NM T's criminalised audiences?
File sharing and downloading files have been a primary focus on 'criminalising' users, because of copyright issues. Billions of files of music, films and have been downloaded, and many have been caught and prosecuted by using sites like Kazaa, Limewire, and other file sharing to breach copyright law.

What health and environmental issues does NM T's pose?
Because consumers are constantly having to upgrade from obselete machines. 'E-waste'

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